Jobs are what you do while you slowly die over fifty or sixty years, so you better pick a good one! This week the Intergalactic Business Report profiles the best and worst jobs in America. Read and don’t need ever again. BEST: Hedge fund manager. WORST: Assistant leg humper. BEST: Vice-president for strategic solutions. WORST: Semen sweeper. BEST: Fortune 500 Board Chairman. WORST: “Brenda’s bitch.” BEST: Philanthropist. WORST: Tester of the limits of butthole expansion using your own butthole. BEST: Venture Capitalist. WORST: Japanese pee taster. BEST: Multi-patented inventor. WORST: Independent human hair collector. BEST: Famous artist. WORST: Famous self nut puncher. BEST: Extremely successful actor. WORST: Ghost who never found love and haunts some girl from high school he was kind of into, but not totally. |
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November 2024
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