We cut a deal with an alien race to stop the Coronavirus. We’re not great at making deals.3/24/2020 In one of the most extraordinary events in human history, the Intergalactic Business Report made contact with aliens in an effort to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. We were surprised that Forghaaarr (pronounced Four-ghaaarr) sector commander for the twelfth space army for the Zardozian (pronounced zahr-doze-ian) galaxy group answered our space messages. We were also excited to hear that he was authorized by his society to cut deals. Although we are not technically authorized to do the same for the people of planet Earth, we kind of said we were and now Forghaaarr is holding us to it. Sorry. While the treaty we signed with the Zardozians is complex, it will cure the Coronavirus. We’ve tried to excerpt the most important highlights of the agreement and have listed them below. 1. The space aliens will give us a cure for the Coronavirus. (Side comment: Yea!) 2. Cures for diseases “aren’t free” (their words). So, we’re going to need to “work it off.” 3. All men of planet Earth will contribute one inch of their penis as tribute to Emperor Thorgaaaaag (pronounced Thor-gaaaaaag). 4. The aliens weren’t clear about how they would get the penis parts but also said, they “would just cut off everyone’s dicks” if that was what was needed. 5. Our planet does owe us some thanks for buying some time on the penis chopping. We negotiated that they would give us 18 months before they would come for our dicks. 6. If we refuse to give them what they want, they’ll incinerate the planet. 7. So, we have 18 months to figure out a way to have every man on Earth cut an inch of penis meat from his body and have it ready to go as tribute to the Zardozians. 8. 18 months is a long time, so we feel for sure we’ll come up with a way to do that. 9. Also, during the next 18 months we no longer need to worry about the Coronavirus. So there’s that. |
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