An investigation by the Intergalactic Business Report revealed that a new Covid-19 vaccine that can only be administered through the researcher’s penis is fraudulent. Details below on this breaking story:
The origins of the penis vaccine. In late March of this year, self-styled pharmaceutical scientist Carl Ystrepi of Bonhucken Maine entered the vaccine race and began developing something he called the “hot beef injection.” He claimed that his unique method of delivering medicine allowed him to skip many of the barriers to vaccine development such as scientifically understanding how a vaccine is developed. Some early setbacks. The unorthodox clinical trials that Ystrepi held were him offering a hot beef injection to women he accosted at a nearby beach. With zero percent volunteer participation, he was forced to move to a controversial new vaccine approval technique—just assuming it works. Carl’s vaccine is ready way before anyone else’s. Because his vaccine reached approval in his mind and needed only to have the assumption of efficacy, Ystrepi was able to declare his vaccine ready after only a month, which was perfect, because the weather was getting better and more people were heading out to the beach and other public places where he hoped to offer his treatment. Legal issues troubled Carl’s vaccine rollout. Apparently, it’s illegal to claim you have a Coronavirus vaccine that can only be given through your penis hole. More specifically, it’s illegal to approach people and say that if they have sex with you they can’t get Covid-19. Even more specifically, it’s against the law to scream at people in a Target parking lot with your pants pulled down. This does not, Carl found, meet the requirements of being a “vaccine clinic.” A warning to consumers: If you received a hot beef injection from Carl Ystrepi, you are not protected from the Coronavirus. On the other hand… Who knows, right? The science on this is not totally formulated and it’s possible this is the cure. How can you get a hot beef injection from Carl Ystrepi? Carl says to call him when he gets out of jail. Question: How long will it take Carl’s vaccine to have a worldwide effect? If he can get out of jail, he could cover the more rural areas of Maine by late 2021. Scientists recently stated that talking may be a major source of COVID-19 spread, as the act expels more viral droplets than if you just shut the fuck up. We explore this new theory in detail below with a list of frequently asked questions:
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: What happens when you just finally shut the fuck up? When you do this, you stop the viral load from releasing from your face. You also stop the bullshit that comes out of your mouth from being heard by people who wish you would just shut the fuck up. Are there health benefits to shutting the fuck up? Many. But let’s start with how if you shut the fuck up, people will be less inclined to beat your ass after hearing you complain about some nonsense in your life or simply listening to one of your crap questions where you act like you’re some kind of a fucking genius for opening your mouth. Is it possible for you to shut the fuck up? We honestly don’t know. Is it? Because we really wonder. We wake up every morning and ask ourselves if you’ll finally shut the fuck up. But there you are, yapping away. If you shut the fuck up now, during a pandemic, would it encourage you to stop talking when things get back to normal? Let’s hope? How many people shutting the fuck up would it take to have a global effect? Scientists aren’t sure about an exact number, but even if just one person, like you, shut the fuck up, it would help the world by not having your immensely stupid shit verbally expressed. Should you shut the fuck up right now? Yes. If you shut the fuck up, when would it be safe to start talking again? Who knows? Even when the pandemic ends, it would be a good idea for you to keep your fucking mouth shut just in case, maybe for several years, till you forget how to talk or something. For decades, the Canadians have sat atop North America, peering down on us from their frosty perch, leaving Americans to wonder what these creatures from the uncanny valley want from us. The Intergalactic Business Report has finally learned what that is, and it is truly horrifying.
As reported in our exposé on Ryan Reynolds, the Intergalactic Business Report has learned that Canada, land of politeness and home improvement shows where people talk about “living in the city” but they won’t say which city it is and you don’t recognize it and then they start talking about soaker tubs and how they need a room for their hockey equipment… Anyway… They’re up to something. Below, we break down the Canadian plot for domination that threatens us all. THE BASICS: Each Canadian has a non-biological American “twin” who resembles him or her in almost every way except for mispronouncing words and pretentiousness disguised as good manners. As long as the twins are separated, the American usually finds success and happiness, while the Canadian bitterly resents him from afar.* WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: Sometime in adolescence, we believe, Canadians are shown their American counterpart and told that if they can eliminate him, they will gain all of his life force and energy, in essence making the Canadian finally “normal” and successful. This would include giving him the power to say the word “about” and use the correct emphasis in words like “process” and even to stop using words like “process.” THE HUNT BEGINS: Dana Carvey, Michael J. Fox, Mike Myers, Jim Carrey, Ryan Gosling, Martin Short, Dan Aykroyd… They all eliminated their Americans and found success. Michael Cera and Seth Rogen obviously are still searching. THE THREAT TO YOU: If you’re still alive, it means there is a Canadian who may be coming for you. If you’ve already been removed, then it is too late. THE WARNING SIGNS: Do you notice someone wearing flannel who seems to always be nearby? At the grocery store? At the gas station? Do friends ever say things like, “I thought I saw you at the gas station?” But it wasn’t you? Do they ever remark about how they saw someone who looks exactly like you, only they had something wrong with the way they spoke and they smelled like a beaver pelt? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: Clearly, most of us are fucked. But for the few who are alert, there is still a chance for survival. If people in your neighborhood start playing street hockey, their taste in music suddenly sucks, their sense of humor is Eugene Levy, and their money is worth a fraction of yours, the Canadians are active in your community and you need to leave, immediately, which poses a problem because most Americans, when told they need to leave immediately, usually try to go to Canada. Don’t do that. It’s a trap. *It's kind of like the movie "Us" if it was made by David Cronenberg. |
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