New wealth trend: Rich old guys adopt bitchy daughters for totally platonic relationships.8/13/2021 We interview an anonymous billionaire who lets us in on the latest trend: wealthy older men see having an arrogant self-centered daughter who has no regard for money or humanity as the ultimate status symbol. Why? Because only really rich guys seem to have those. Read our fascinating conversation below:
INTERVIEWER: Thanks for sitting down with us today. I know your time is very valuable. ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Everything about me is valuable. INTERVIEWER: Good one. ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Thanks. INTERVIEWER: So tell me about your daughter. ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: My actual daughter or the bitchy one I adopted? INTERVIEWER: You have an actual daughter too? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Yes. INTERVIEWER: She wasn’t bitchy enough for you? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: No. She’s into charities and wearing second-hand clothes. INTERVIEWER: She’s kind of a good person then? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Oh, totally. She’s the best. INTERVIEWER: Then why did you feel the need to adopt a second daughter? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: I know you wouldn’t understand this, because you’re so poor, but in my circle, most of my peers always talk about how their ridiculously selfish daughters spend their money. I had nothing to add to those conversations. INTERVIEWER: You couldn’t add the fact that your daughter is philanthropic and not motivated by money? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Yeah, again, you don’t get it. If you said something like that everyone would immediately think you were a fake rich person because no real rich people have daughters like that. INTERVIEWER: But you do… ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: I did. I kind of don’t acknowledge my first one anymore. INTERVIEWER: Why not? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Well, it’s not like she cares about money, and that’s kind of what I have to offer, so, what’s the point? INTERVIEWER: O.K. that sounds pretty fucked up, but let’s just move on and talk about your new daughter. ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Yeah, she’s great. I mean, she’s terrible. Which is great. INTERVIEWER: How is she terrible? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: She tells me to fuck off a lot and then I get her a gift, like a sports car or a handbag that costs like a hundred thousand dollars or something. Then she says stuff like, “Oh daddy, I love you so much!” INTERVIEWER: And that’s a good thing? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Yeah, because now I can talk to my friends and commiserate with them. INTERVIEWER: Because their kids also suck? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Yeah, and mine is right up there with them. INTERVIEWER: How did you meet your new daughter? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: She was a college roommate of my daughter. INTERVIEWER: So, she’s friends with your daughter? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Not anymore! I mean, I disowned my original daughter and adopted the new one. It kind of caused a rift between those two. INTERVIEWER: I’d think so. ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: And now there’s a lot of guilt I have to deal with. INTERVIEWER: For disowning your daughter? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: No, for not adopting my new daughter when she was younger. She always lays a guilt trip on me about that. INTERVIEWER: Was your new daughter an orphan? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: No. She has biological parents who raised her and sent her to college, where she met my daughter. But I’m richer than they are so she chose me. INTERVIEWER: How do her parents feel about the situation? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: I would say they’re confused. That would be the best way to put it. Since their former daughter (now mine) is like twenty-three, she’s not a dependent anymore, so from their perspective it makes no sense. INTERVIEWER: Are they benefiting financially in any way? For instance are you paying back college loans for… What is your new daughter’s name? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Madison… Wait, did I say she was twenty-three? INTERVIEWER: Yes, I think so. ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Fuck… INTERVIEWER: What’s wrong? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: She’s twenty-four. She’s fucking twenty-four! She’s gonna be like, Daddy! You don’t know how old I am? How could you? INTERVIEWER: Are you sure this is all worth it? ANONYMOUS BILLIONIARE: I’m going to have to have a party for her or buy her something now. And it’s not gonna be cheap, I can tell you that! INTERVIEWER: So, what’s next for you? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: I’m probably going to be picking up an irresponsible son to wrap my Aston Martin around a tree. INTERVIEWER: I need to ask you a very serious question. ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Shoot. INTERVIEWER: Do you know any of your friends who have done this? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Done what? INTERVIEWER: Adopted a grown woman to be their bitchy, out of control daughter? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Sure. Lots of them. INTERVIEWER: Really? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: I don’t know. Maybe I’m the only one. I’m like a pioneer… INTERVIEWER: Nobody really does this do they? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: No. I guess not. INTERVIEWER: Are you safe? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: What do you mean? INTERVIEWER: Are you afraid of Madison? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: She’s a five-foot-two, twenty-three-year-old girl… I’m six foot three and… INTERVIEWER: Did you say she was twenty-three again? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Oh fuck… INTERVIEWER: Is that Madison, sitting over there? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: Yeah, that’s her. Hi, pumpkin! INTERVIEWER: Is, uh, Madison… Is she a real human being? ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: You can see her, can’t you? INTERVIEWER: I see a mannequin… A strange, cobbled together mannequin whose parts don’t really go together. ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: (Hisses) Don’t say that. You’re gonna give her an eating disorder or something. INTERVIEWER: Sorry. I didn’t mean to… ANONYMOUS BILLIONAIRE: I’ve gotta plan a second twenty-fourth birthday party…. Madison! Let’s go, dear. MADISON: Did you forget my fucking birthday? Did you EVER forget your first daughter’s birthday? Ever? |
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