After reading an article about how America basically sucks, we decided to respond with our own, American responses “foreigners” aren’t ready to hear and they should buckle up (with their American-invented seat belts they wouldn’t have without us) because our opinions about them are brutal.
Redditor u/jaycool74 asked non-Americans, "What's something us Americans aren't ready to hear?" Here are some of the top-voted responses with our responses to those responses: 1. "You are the 'foreigner' for me and around 220 countries."--u/TaikoLeagueReddit "Apparently, they aren't ready to hear that people from countries that aren't 'America' don't consider themselves as being from 'foreign' countries." --u/adlcp IBR RESPONSE: “Why do people from foreign countries always say that?” 2. "American bathroom stalls are exposed AF. A grown man could crawl under one of 'em, and the vertical gap has a big enough gap to make full-on eye contact with anyone walking by."--u/CowDeer IBR RESPONSE: “Only a weird foreigner like you would even think of doing that…” 3. "Many other countries get minimum four weeks of paid vacation leave for employees and paid maternity leave — even for the father."--u/Zahliamischa IBR RESPONSE: “We call it paternity leave in our country. Maybe that’s the confusion.” 4. "The amount of food you waste is wild."--u/Commercial_Quarter_6 IBR RESPONSE: “Can you repeat that? We couldn’t hear because we were stuffing this double cheeseburger in our mouth. Oh, fuck it. We’re not that hungry right now anyway. We’ll just toss this onto the highway. Go on please.” 5. "Treating your president like someone you worship is bizarre. As an Aussie, I don’t understand worshipping the royals, either."--u/Appropriate_Sun6311 IBR RESPONSE: “And yet you worship the Bee Gees?” 6. "The US is a great place to be rich and a bad place to be poor."--u/IllustriousGuard1943 IBR RESPONSE: “And in your country, it’s awesome to be poor?” 7. "The quality of your fast food is absolutely horrible compared to that of Canada’s. I’m referring to the same chains: Burger King, McDonald's, etc."--u/earthmang2two IBR RESPONSE: “Well, we better get on the road and head north till we hit some of that great Canadian Burger King food.” 8."You DO have an accent."--u/imakeverylittlemoney IBR RESPONSE: “Vat vas dat? Deed you say vee have an ahkzent? Okay den…” 9."School shootings are an almost uniquely American problem. The rest of the world is disgusted. Truly. The need for children to practice ‘active shooter drills’ is an unfathomable sci-fi dystopian horror for us."--u/JessieOwl IBR RESPONSE: “What does the ‘rest of the world’ have instead? Active kidnapping, public execution, run for your lives, terrorist train stabbing/killing humorists/beheading priests drills?” 10. "TURN THE VOLUME DOWN — YOU'RE TOO LOUD."--u/captainsnacks11 "Americans can always be identified before you see them by their loud voices. I grew up in America, moved to Ireland around 12 years ago, and have learned quite a bit in my time. Now, I see these fresh-off-the-boat American tourists shouting all the time, and I just think, 'Was I that bad?' and 'Why are they so loud?'" --u/ultratunaman IBR RESPONSE: “Maybe we should emulate those soft-spoken, non-violent, sober Irishmen who are so damned quiet when they stab you for making eye contact with them.” 11. "Forcing students to go into debt for further education is disgusting. One should be able to get more education without having to risk never financially recovering."--u/uckin_anti_pope IBR RESPONSE: “Your cool foreign education led you to use the reddit tag ‘uckin anti pope.’ At least it was free?” 12. "You all eat too much sugar."--u/whtsinthename "I lived in the US for six months. Shortly after moving, I bought a loaf of bread and made a sandwich, but it was so sweet! I told my housemates that I think I’d accidentally bought a dessert bread. They tried it. NOPE — regular bread. It was just FULL of sugar!" --u/goldboldsold IBR RESPONSE: “If you liked that, we can also get you a shitload of salt for cheap.” 13. "Tipping in America is BS. Owners of restaurants and places need to pay normal wages." IBR RESPONSE: “You just lost your tip.” 14. "Your education system is far worse than you think." --u/mdsMW "Not just worse, but also really, really bad in terms of metrics and history." --u/BeastmasterBG IBR RESPONSE: “Can you imagine how much more we’d dominate your country if we had a good educational system?” 15. "Not everyone speaks English in the rest of the world. Learn another language; it's good for the soul and the brain." IBR RESPONSE: “Just like you learned English?” 16. "The World Series only happens in the US."--u/Kommonwealth IBR RESPONSE: “And yet you know what it is…” 17. "If you tell me you're Polish, but you were born in USA, never went to Poland, never learned the language, and you don't give a f*ck? Yeah, you're not Polish — you're American. Same goes for any other nationality."--u/Robert_Kurwica "Just because your grandma or whatever was Irish/Italian/German etc., doesn’t mean you’re Irish/Italian/German etc. — and that’s okay." --u/TheAndorran IBR RESPONSE: “Maybe we should just start saying, ‘man you won’t believe the shit hole country my grandma was from before she escaped and moved here.’” BONUS RESPONSE: “Did you hear the one about the Polish guy who didn’t think Polish people were from Poland?” 18. "We aren't jealous of you, like, at all." IBR RESPONSE: “Why is it all the countries in the world that don’t care about the U.S. and aren’t jealous of us have to get together to tell us how much they don’t care about us and how they aren’t jealous of us?” |
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